1 shed for800, 2 for1500 - $1 obo

Bought a house in beginning of this month. Its got 4 sheds on the property! I'm selling 2 (to start). Bigger than normal,,Someone told me that they're made out of cedar. Not sure, but I'd like to sell them to someone that needs them. I don't. They're dry and rock solid. Only thing is you'd have to move them. Let me know.The measurements of the larger shed are:
Length - 8' 7" (103 inches)
Depth - 11' 8" (140 inches)
Height - 9' 7" (115 inches)
The smaller shed:
Length - 6' 4" (76 inches)
Depth - 7' 8" (90 inches)
Height - 9' 7" (115 inches at the highest point in the center; I would say about 103 inches usable)