Aqua BlueGlass Tile total price of all available listed below. Individual prices listed in description. - $1,121 obo

Algonac, MI, United States


Beautiful blue aqua tile that are great for back splashes, walls, and bathrooms. Prices listed below of the quantities of each size available. Please tell us what you're interested in and how much you want of each. Happy to ship if buyer will pay shipping costs.

323 aqua glass subway tiles measuring 3 inches by 6 inches each at $15.95 per square foot. 40 square feet are available.

Aqua glass subway tiles 4 inches by 12 inches $17.99 a square foot, and we have 20 square feet available.

Aqua glass pencil tiles $6.50 per tile, 2/3 inches by 12 inches by 8 mm thick (19 available).
$1,121.00 or best offer