Backwoods Purple 1×5 pack CIgar - $16.99
United Kingdom
Dominican Republic-made flavoured cigarFlavor: Honey Berry
The Backwoods Purple 1×5 pack is a set of five cigars that are a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts. These cigars are known for their smooth and mellow smoke, making them a great option for those who prefer a lighter cigar. Made with a blend of premium quality tobaccos and featuring a natural Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, the Backwoods Purple cigars are an excellent choice for both novice and seasoned cigar smokers.
One of the standout features of the Backwoods Purple cigars is their natural Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper. This wrapper is known for its smooth and slightly sweet flavor, complementing the blend of tobaccos inside the cigar. The wrapper also gives each cigar an authentic and classic look, making them a popular choice for those who appreciate a traditional cigar appearance.
Each cigar in the Backwoods Purple 1×5 pack is machine-rolled and features a rustic, hand-rolled appearance. Despite the machine-rolling process, these cigars are still of consistent quality and construction, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable smoking experience every time.
The Backwoods Purple 1×5 pack is perfect for those who want to enjoy a high-quality cigar on-the-go. The convenient and portable packaging makes it easy to take these cigars with you wherever you go, whether you are headed to a picnic, a BBQ, or a night out with friends. Order now at City of London Cigars!
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